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Clomid from gp australia Posted on Tuesday, December 10, 2011 @ 10:52 PM: Just got it, and it worked great for the 3 days while i made that 1.20 milliliter. It was actually cheaper than going to the pharmacy for it. I went in yesterday expecting to see some sort of a "mammary block", but found that the lube worked fine. Not something I saw when was just taking out the plunger, but i can't speak for what other lubes or gels would work. Just had a check up today, and they put bloodwork back in the freezer. They're not sure just yet if it'll ever be removed, but we'll see. (1) The lube. It is not "flavored", in fact it was not mixed at all. I it with my normal lubricant, but there is no difference in thickness or consistency. (2) The timing. tip of plunger is at 12mm and the rest is 10mm, so it seems like it's the right timing. (3) The consistency. Very slick, but not too slippery. Still very easy to take out. Also had my husband try a drop when he gets home and it's not even noticeable. There is still "freckles", but not huge. However the taste is a little bit of sourness Dexamethasone purchase online and slight vinegar. I don't understand how he didn't notice that until today. Regards Krystal Pharmacist Edited by Krystal - 12/12/2011 @ 12:06 PM. After a couple weeks away from work, my husband and I returned to the office this wee